Michael Stranz, COS

Rector (Pastor)

Michael Stranz, COS

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Father Michael Stranz,COS

Fr. Michael was the founding rector of St. Francis Anglican Church beginning November 10, 1991. He received His Master of Divinity degree from Holy Trinity College and Seminary of the Southern Episcopal Church. He retired from active ministry in August 2012. His successor at St. Francis was Father Gary Allen Fisher (August 1, 2012 - April 30, 2020). Father Fisher was called as Curate, at St. Michael's Church in North Carolina. Fr. Michael requested to be transferred from the retired roll to the active priesthood and was approved by Bishop Grundorf on April 29, 2020. Fr. Michael is also a member of the Franciscan Communities of Our Saviour, an Anglican-Catyholic religious order.

Fr. Michael and his wife Karen have been married since 1974 and have two children, Dawn and Christi.